aMTP777 is a 4K-byte 8-bit MCU based Voice controller IC with embedded voice storage memory. Voice data is stored in an external multiprogrammable SPI flash with 4-bit ADPCM compression at different sampling rate. 10-bit/8-bit PCM is also available to improve sound quality. There are upto nineteen programmable I/O pins. Key trigger and Parallel CPU trigger mode can be configured according to different application requirement.
This IC can also be used as a LED driver to control LED flashing and dimming.
Standard CMOS process.
Embedded 4K byte EPROM for MCU programming
Embedded 8-bit MCU.
I/O : 4 IN + 15 I/O
2.4V - 3.6V single power supply
Less than 5uA low stand-by current.
Built-in oscillator with fixed Rosc, software control sampling frequency
Programmable I/Os, Timer Interrupt and Watch Dog Timer.
LED Function includes: Random or one key sequential flashing, dimming, or flashing speed adjusted by software or Rosc
Flash Memory: 1Gb
Voice Duration: @24Kb x 11hrs, @96Kb x 2.7hrs, @128Kb x 2hrs