The APR33Ax series offer solid-state storage capability and require no software. It provides high-quality recording and playback. It is ideal for medical devices, alarm systems, control panel, announcements, and many other consumer and industrial applications. The small size, non-volatility, low power consumption, and ease-of-use provide cost effective solution to voice related applications.
Q - Can I have a circuit that has both the OTP chip and the re-recordable together?The re-recordable ICs can work in parallel to the OTP chips. It can work with a common output. If you wish to use a common power supply, use the 5V OTP chips along with the re-recordable.Q - How can an OTP and re-recordable function in parallel?The OTP has an active-high functioning circuit, while re-recordable is an active-low circuit. Hence, the same control signal can be used to control both the ICs.Q - What are the function / mode of the APR33xx recordable IC?The APR33Ax has three different mode: CPU Serial, Message and Tape mode.Q - Can I use the APR33AxC1 for message mode with triggers?No. Only one mode is supported per IC code. For example, if you have APR33AxC1 (CPU mode), you cannot use it for message mode or tape mode. Likewise, if you have APR33AxE2, it can be used for message mode only, and APR33AxC3 for tape mode.Q - Are the IC pin to pin compatible?Yes. All members of the APR33Ax family are pin to pin compatible. The only difference is the duration, memory size or functionality (mode).Q - What is the Rosc specification?The Rosc pin is connected to a fixed resistor of 47k ohm. You cannot change the sampling rate with external resistor.Q - Does it have an amplifier gain control (AGC) and volume control?No. The current version does not have AGC nor volume control. If your application requires volume control or other requirement, please contact us for more information.Q - Can I have Microphone and line-in as input simultaneously?Yes. For example, you can have music coming in from line-in receiver and record a message with the microphone at the same time. Please refer to the datahsheet for circuit diagram example. Q - What is the output power to the speaker?The standard is 0.5w and it can get up to 1w.Q - For the C1 model, does the address changes if the recording of each section has different duration?No. The address is fixed.Q - Does it support loop funtion?No. If your application requires this function or other requirement, please contact us for more information.