InnoBasic WorkshopTM is the development platform where user write the programs to control the Robot kits or the peripheral modules. The software also includes a Motion Editor to tune the servo motors for some of the kits. Download your programs to the Basic Commander through the USB port.
Main Window
Motion Editor
- Visual Basic programming language syntax
- Compiler methodology instead of interpreter methodology to compile the program code
- Object oriented syntax for all peripheral modules
- Common I/O functions such as PWM, PULSEIN/PULSEOUT
- Mathematical functions and floating point operation
- All modules have inspanidual microcontroller which communicates with the main program in Basic Commander, making the overall performance faster.
- Easy and quick to modify the code for additional functions
- I2C and UART functions for advanced users
System Requirement
- Windows XP (SP2) or Windows Vista (SP1) with a USB1.1 or 2.0 interface
- Windows 7/10, 32bits